Our Story

The MiraMove Way to a Healthier, Happier You

Hi there!

I’m Ariel Sereda, your guide on this wellness journey with MiraMove. I have been on a long wellness journey myself. From my time as an equestrian athlete to my extensive studies in osteopathic sports massage, acupuncture, and neuroscience, I’ve traversed a winding path in search of the perfect balance between the mind and body.

I’ve seen and experienced the struggle of trying to juggle physical wellness with mental health.

In my academic work at UCL, my research involves embodiment in extended reality to develop novel ways to treat functional neurological disorders, without the use of drugs.

At present my work is in persistent dizziness, exploring how the severity of both cognitive and functional symptoms may be mediated by psychological flexibility.

At MiraMove, we’re not just another fitness app. Our vision is to help you leverage your mind-body connection for a healthier, happier life. But this vision couldn’t have come to life without the invaluable support from DataSpartan, experts in AI deployment, scientists at the UCL Institute Queen Square of Neurology, Sense Research Unit, and the ever-supportive MindLink community who helped us demo early iterations of the product. With their collective expertise and support, we’ve designed a holistic approach to wellness, tailored to you.

We Are Amazing

We unite cutting-edge technology and intelligent automation to energize everyone towards a life marked by more movement, more vitality, more joy!

MiraMove is your AI-powered wellness partner, designed to fit seamlessly into your life. Transform your living room or office into a dynamic fitness hub with nothing more than your smart phone and monitor.


Neuroscience PhD specializing in perceptual conditions where beliefs impact functional impairment.
Ariel Marilyn sereda
founder, CEO
Machine Learning and Computer Vision expert. Proven capability to integrate AI technologies in Unity for a transformative wellness experience.
Xiyao Li
Unity developer
Leader in machine learning modelling, big-data processing, and practical AI systems. CSO, DataSpartan.
David Martinez Rego
Technical Advisor
Deep Learning. Markos' track record included overseeing model training at NVIDIA partner, iCardio AI.
Markos Muche
Film composer and interactive programmer. Unreal Engine 5 Environment designer, Ableton Live composition.
Max Burstyn
Audiovisual Programmer
Strategic marketing and customer outreach efforts. Strong track record in lead generation, content creation, and customer research.
Heathcote Ruthven
Sales, Marketing
Data Scientist & Machine Learning Engineer. Specalist in Performance Marketing.
Alex Palermo
Performance Marketing Advisor
MSc Clinical Mental Health Sciences, VR For Treating Dementia.
Heema Gokani
Digital Mental Health
CEO, co-Founder @TurinTech. AI creation, deployment, and optimization expert, automating the entire data science lifecycle.
Leslie Kanthan

Our Mission

Around the world, people are living sedentary lives. Screen-time and desk work, have made chronic inactivity a silent, deadly epidemic. 

The most powerful tool against the health crisis of our time is movement. However, research highlights that regular, daily movement is critical for meaningful health benefits. 

In other words, an hour at the gym, though useful, isn’t enough against a backdrop of prolonged stillness. For optimal health, we must weave movement seamlessly into our daily routines, not merely as occasional activity.